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Главная пара 4.88 Trail-Creeper 301451-1 Super Finish для Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 78 8" V6 задняя

50 000 руб.
Вес продукта: 6 кг

Главная пара 4.88 Trail-Creeper 301451-1 Super Finish для Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 78 8" V6 задняя

Задний дифференциал: Toyota 8" V6 Standard Rotation
Передаточное число ГП: 4.88
Кол-во зубов: 39-8
Кол-во шлицов на ведущей шестерне: 27
Кол-во болтов ГП: 10

Подходит для автомобилей:

  • 1984-2009 Toyota 4Runner
  • 1986-2011 Toyota Hilux Pickup
  • 1988-2009 Toyota Hilux Surf 130 185 215
  • 1987-1996 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 70 II Bundera 71 78
  • 1996-2002 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 90 95
  • 2002-2009 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 125
  • 1995-2015 Toyota Tacoma (только с задней блокировкой E-Locker)
  • 1999-2006 Toyota Tundra
  • 2007-2009 Toyota FJ Cruiser
  • 2003-2009 Lexus GX470

Trail-Creeper Super Finish Ring & Pinions

Tired of waiting for your ring and pinions to break-in before towing or hitting the trail? Trail-Gear has your solution with our new Trail-Creeper™ Super Finish Ring & Pinion Gears. Our Trail-Creeper™ Super Finish Ring & Pinion Gears require absolutely no break-in time. You can install these gears and get right into the action without the need to worry about premature ring and pinion failure.

Trail-Creeper™ Super Finish Ring & Pinion Gears are made from tool-grade 8620 steel and heat-treated for maximum strength and wear resistance. The gear teeth are cut using Gleason CNC hobbing machines & cutters. Gleason gear-cutting technology produces an unprecedented level of accuracy and surface finish, which allows the gears to transmit more torque and improve fuel efficiency.

Key Benefits:

  • No break-in period
  • Less friction
  • Reduced wear allowing bearings and gears to last longer

Trail-Creeper™ Super Finish Ring & Pinion Gears are treated with REM® Isotropic Super Finishing (ISF®) process. The process that is used to polish our gears is the same used for aerospace applications. The REM® Isotropic Super Finishing (ISF ®) process removes the microscopic peaks in the material and creates a surface on the ring and pinion gears with a roughness of less than 10 µin Ra! This means that there is less friction between the gears, reducing wear by 95% and allowing the gears and bearings to run cooler and last longer.

The REM® Isotropic Super Finishing (ISF®) process not only decreases friction and wear in the gears, but it creates a non-directional surface that increases lubricant retention on the gear surface, reducing lubrication requirements.

REM® and ISF® are registered trademarks of REM Chemicals, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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