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Основные проблемы редукторов и главных пар

Основные проблемы редукторов и главных пар

Изображения ниже предназначены для определения проблем с редуктором. Визуальный осмотр изношенной или поврежденной ведомой шестерни и подшипников обычно указывает на причину большинства поломок.

Differential Gear Analys - Normal

Нормальный износ главной пары:

Поверхность зубов на ведущей и ведомой шестернях умеренно блестящяя. Бороздки обработки на привалочной поверхности зубов ведомой шестерни все еще видны. Поверхность или кромка зубов ведущей шестерни все еще квадратная. Этот комплект ведущей и ведомой шестерни с нормальным износом. Нажмите здесь для картинки покрупнее.


Differential Gear Analys - Burned

Перегретая главная пара:

This ring and pinion set has been burned so that the tooth surface is very shiny. The machining striations are no longer visible and there is a hard edge at the root of the ring gear teeth showing how much the surface has been burned off. The face or edge of the pinion gear teeth is worn to the point of being sharp. Burning like this is caused by lubrication failure. There was not enough oil in the differential, or the differential was not properly set up, became too hot, and the oil broke down. Click Here for a larger image


Differential Gear Analys - Very Burned

Съеденная главная пара:

This ring and pinion set shows excessive heat failure. Much more of the gear tooth surface has burned off than in the example above. The pinion gear teeth have worn down to a very sharp edge. Again, the cause is lubrication failure. Click Here for a larger image


Differential Gear Analys - Broken

Поломанная главная пара:

The teeth have been sheared off this ring and pinion set. This is evident in the dull grey areas. The shiny areas have been hammered by the broken gear pieces. This does not indicate that the ring and pinion gear set was defective, but rather that too much power was applied with too much resistance in the tires. This can be caused by too much power combined with oversized tires or tires that are stuck on an off road obstacle. Spinning tires that suddenly catch either off road or on the track can break differential parts as well. Click Here for a larger image


Pinion Bearing Noise Failure

Разрушенный подшипник и обойма:

This degree of pitting can be normal for bearings with over 100,000 miles. This bearing and race would be very noisy. See Diagnosing Differential Problems. Pitting can also be caused by excessive preload and by limited lubrication failure. Extensive lubrication failure will often cause the roller cage to melt, which has not happened in this case. Click Here for a larger image

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