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Передние рычаги SPC 25490 для Toyota Tundra Sequoia регулируемые

80 000 руб.
Вес продукта: 20 кг

Передние рычаги длинноходной подвески SPC Performance 25490 для Toyota Tundra Sequoia 2007-2019 регулируемые

Рычаги с регулируемым углом развала от -2° до +2° и возможностью выставления кастора от -1° до 3° градусов.

Designed, engineered, tested, and assembled in Colorado; SPC Performance’s adjustable upper control arms are loaded with the features you need. Improve suspension travel, handling, and tire wear while you center your tire in the wheel well to maximize clearance for your oversized tires. Equipped with greaseable ball joints and xAxis™ sealed flex joints in bonded rubber sleeves, this arm will both correct alignment angles and restore factory ride quality. SPC's forged steel design provides the strength and durability needed for the most demanding environments. (Sold in pairs.)

Get the most suspension travel available: SPC’s arms have improved clearance to get around the spring bucket and 80° of articulation in its ball joint. Now equipped with free pivoting xAxis joints, SPC's arm gives you maximum droop travel. More travel than any other ball joint or mono ball equipped arm on the market.

Get your drivability and tracking back: When you lift your truck you affect caster and camber. SPC’s arms have +2° of caster built into them. Using its patented ball joint design, the arm will get you 0° to +4° of caster and ±2° of camber. This adjustability allows you to put your alignment angles back to specification.

Get your tire where you want it in the wheel well: Use adjustment in the control arm and on the OE lower cams to maximize alignment angles and move oversized tires forward in the wheel well to minimize or avoid fender trimming.

Great for use with any lift kit or standard length and extended length coilovers.

Подходит для автомобилей:
  • 2007-2019 Toyota Tundra
  • 2008-2019 Toyota Sequoia

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